TauroSept® is a medical device for the treatment and prevention of catheter infections. TauroSept® contains taurolidine 2%, an antimicrobial chemotherapeutic agent that exhibits activity against a wide-range of pathogenic microorganisms, including aerobic and anaerobic, gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, yeasts and moulds. Taurolidine also inhibits staphylococcal coagulase and reduces microbial adherence to cells and surfaces of biomaterials (TauroSept® does not contain Heparin or Citrate).
Taurolidine was synthesized from taurine by Geistlich Pharma AG in Switzerland in 1972. The compound was first used in clinical trials in 1975 for severe peritonitis. The successful antimicrobial activity led to product developments and TauroSept® was first available for use as a catheter lock solution in Europe in 2006.
TauroSept® is intended for instillation in intravascular catheters between treatments in order to lock the catheter, to prevent bacterial and fungal growth leading to microbial infection in the catheter lumen as well as to maintain device patency and to avoid staphylocoagulase induced clotting of blood. TauroSept® can also be used as adjuvant treatment in infected catheters.
TauroSept can be used in adults, children, infants and newborns.
particles are visible.
TauroSept® can be used with any vascular access device. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the particular catheter used. Specific catheter volumes are associated with each device and must be strictly followed.
Before each use, TauroSept® should be inspected for the presence of visible particles.
Do not use TauroSept® if particles are visible.
Allergic reactions have been observed in rare cases. TauroSept® has no contraindications to date but its use should be handled with caution in patients with a known allergic predisposition and when patients are concomitantly treated with products known to interact with taurolidine (see TauroSept® Instructions for Use for more information)